Rain on your wedding day

Weather proofing your wedding venue

How to weather proof your wedding venue.

The lovely people over at The Wedding Secret have written an article for me about weather proofing your wedding venue. They have some great ideas about the best way forward if you’re planning any kind of outdoor activities on your wedding day.

The images used are from Charlotte and Paul’s wedding where is rained all day (they had only just managed to construct the marquee a few minutes before the ceremony and the heavens opened.  BUT we were treated to the most amazing rainbow in the evening! You can see more images from their day OUTDOOR TIPI WEDDING.

“So you have been planning your wedding not for just weeks but for months, possibly even a year or so. The big day is looming; guests are getting excited; florists have been making bouquets; caterers are sorted and all the last minute details have been finalised. Everything is going to be perfect…right?!

Planning a wedding in the UK

There does tend to be a slight hitch when planning a wedding in the UK  while you can control pretty much every detail, you simply cannot control the weather – it is literally out of your hands. Although a wedding in July or August might allow greater expectation for the sun to be out in full force, sadly there are no guarantees.

Whatever you do, do not panic! There are plenty of things that you can do to get your wedding venue as watertight as possible so that, come rain or shine your day is as perfect as you could have hoped.


Charlotte and Paul's marquee was completed just a few minutes before the actual ceremony started and luckily just before the heavens opened!
Charlotte and Paul’s marquee was completed just a few minutes before the actual ceremony started and luckily just before the heavens opened!

Firstly, get yourself a marquee – or a tipi, yurt or even a gazebo. Plenty of venues will have space for a marquee and you will probably have been offered one already by a venue coordinator but if you have veered on the side of optimism, it might be wise not to. There is certainly nothing more spectacular than an outdoor wedding and with the sun beating down you will want to make the most of it but as soon as that tell-tale drip falls on your mother-in-law’s head, trust us, you’ll wish you had prepared.

The great thing about marquees (which can come in hundreds of different shapes and sizes) is that they provide extra space for the evening part of your wedding, so that once you have said your vows, had your wedding feast and are satisfactorily tipsy you have a roof over your head to dance the night away and allow certain guests to discuss with their ‘new best friends’ life’s trials and tribulations into the early hours.


To be fair, The Great British Weather can’t be blamed for all the water drops that are to be expected on your wedding day. There are bound to be a few not-so-dry eyes during your ceremony whether from proud mothers, the maid of honour or the bride herself. With all these tears it is certainly worth getting a waterproof mascara to avoid black lines running down your face which frankly, is not an ideal look for anyone, especially the bride.

Any makeup artist will have plenty of waterproof makeup that they can use but it might be worth discussing these details prior to the actual day ensuring that inopportune mascara tracks do not make an unwelcome appearance.


Umbrellas are the key!

For those planning a wedding in a field – this might well be a stunning setting for a wedding but you can’t always guarantee a Glastonbury style scenario. Although wellies and brollies do not scream wedding accessories especially when compared with a tiara or lace sash, you would be surprised how they can add something a little different to your wedding, while also being incredibly practical.

A pair of white wellies for the bride and colour coordinated boots for the rest of her bridesmaids could prevent a ruined wedding shoe and an incredibly mucky dress. The right pair can also add a quirky little extra to your wedding look. Equally a white umbrella can be decorated to look like an accessory to your dress while keeping at bay those unpredictable downpours and even a lace parasol will keep off some summery showers, while looking like a beautiful wedding adornment.

You could even add a box of umbrellas at the entrance of your venue so that guests can join you outside if the proverbial wet weather rears its head.


A photographer will be prepared for every eventuality. They will most likely have photographed weddings in both blistering sun and howling gales however make sure you discuss the weather with them. They might have something planned that you weren’t aware of (kissing in the rain might make a good shot – but it’s not necessarily up your alley). Equally, your guests might not be so prepared for the raindrops that are set to ruin their perfect photos so have a scout around for your ideal photo shots and covered backdrops inside your venue so that you can ensure a few pictures that are rain-drop free.

Covered floors and walkways

To avoid any scenarios that involve a wedding guest in a heap on the floor or a bride’s heel sinking gracelessly into the ground as she walks down the aisle, a walkway could be the answer.

Weather App is a must!

If you’re hosting your wedding ceremony outdoors then be aware that the walk down the aisle might not be as hazard free as you hoped, especially once people have found their seats and the newly mown grass has been ploughed up by eager guests. If you have opted out of wedding wellies and would rather wear an elegant bridal shoe then a walkway will ensure a level floor for a mud-free, effortless walk down the aisle.

Plenty of marquees can be fitted with floors, carpets and linings to suit the weather – which will further guarantee a mud-free hem and a watertight venue allowing you to enjoy a dry reception space and leaving the weather outdoors to make up its own mind without affecting your plans.

For rainbows you must have rain

If you are constantly checking your weather app in the run up to your wedding, our advice is really to stop. Follow the above steps to ensure you have done as much as you can to waterproof your wedding and if it rains, at least you are as prepared as you can be.

You never know, a little shower might even mean a rainbow – the perfect natural backdrop for any wedding photo!

The Wedding Secret is an online directory that features wedding businesses across the south of the UK. There are a great range of venues, suppliers, weatherproofing options and more. You will also find plenty of tips and suggestions to help you host the perfect wedding – Take a look through what The Wedding Secret has to offer.”

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